The Argument.

Rintrah roars; shakes his fires in the burden'd air;
Hungry clouds swag on the deep
Once meek, and in a perilous path,
The just man kept his course along
The vale of death.
Roses are planted where thorns grow.
And on the barren heath
Sing the honey bees.
Then the perilous path was planted:
And a river, and a spring
On every cliff and tomb;
And on the bleached bones
Red clay brought forth.
Till the villain left the paths of ease,
To walk in perilous paths, and drive
The just man into barren climes.
Now the sneaking serpent walks
In mild humility.
And the just man rages in the wilds
Where lions roam.
Rintrah roars; shakes his fires in the burden'd air;
Hungry clouds swag on the deep.


At The End

Se uita la mine asa cum se obisnuise in acea perioada; cu ochi zambind si buze dansand de fericire, pana la urechi. Ma privea asa de calm, si chicotea, in timp ce-mi strangea mainile si lacrimile in ochi. Il simteam ca vrea sa tipe si sa lase durerea impreuna cu mine, aici, in cutiuta mea din trecut,dar n-a facut-o. Nici eu nu am facut-o.  L-am simtit rugandu-se de mine, cu ganduri, sa incetez sa-i mai ard mainile cu transpiratia de pe palmele mele, dar nu a strigat la mine, nu m-a certat sau indepartat; m-a tras mai aproape de el, ca sa-i ascult timpul scurgandu-se din inima.
Mi-am impreunat mainile in jurul trupului sau, sperand ca ma voi topi ca ceara fierbinte, iar apoi, ma voi lipi de el, ca un sigiliu vechi, rosu, de pe o scrisoare. Nu a mers dar totusi, nu am dat drumul lacrimilor, desi le simteam cum se dau pe tobogane, pe irisul meu, atunci cand s-a indepartat cu tot cu picioare.
Mi-a spus doar ca o sa fie bine, m-a sarutat si cam atat, in cele mai lungi secunde din viata mea. Scurt si la subiect, si totusi, acel moment m-a facut sa realizez cat de mult il iubesc. Puternice, reci si infioratoare au fost sarutarile ce se petreceau intre pasii lui si podeaua, in timp ce se indeparta cat mai mult de mine, dar n-am plans. N-am plans, caci ochii imi erau atintiti catre el, si il urmaream, si-ii urmaream fiecare pas, fiecare dorinta de a mai trage de timp si a mai sta cu mine.

Love and Harmony

Love and harmony combine,
And round our souls entwine
While thy branches mix with mine,
And our roots together join.

Joys upon our branches sit,
Chirping loud and singing sweet;
Like gentle streams beneath our feet
Innocence and virtue meet.

Thou the golden fruit dost bear,
I am clad in flowers fair;
Thy sweet boughs perfume the air,
And the turtle buildeth there.

There she sits and feeds her young,
Sweet I hear her mournful song;
And thy lovely leaves among,
There is love, I hear his tongue.

There his charming nest doth lay,
There he sleeps the night away;
There he sports along the day,
And doth among our branches play. 
