Fura-mi inima iar eu iti voi rapi ani din viata. Daruieste-mi o imbratisare iar inima mea va lua locul inimii tale, fie ca vrei sau nu.
Degete impletite
Imi aduc aminte ca la inceputuri ma enerva nebunia din degetele tale caci mereu alunecau printre ale mele, ca nisipul fin si lucios. Si mi-a trebuit mult timp sa iti inteleg jocul si sa il joc cu tine, iar acum mi-e dor.
Nu trebuia sa faci prea multe, doar sa ma lasi sa ma pierd in ochii tai in timp ce-mi mangaiai incheieturile iar eu eram a ta.
Mi-aduc aminte cum imi plimbam degetele pe causul palmei tale iar apoi se serpuiau rusinos dar tandru pana pe varful degetelor tale iar tu zambeai. Zambeai pentru ca stiai ca incerc sa te imit, insa tu stiai ca mainile tale vor stapani mereu mainile mele.
Nu trebuia sa faci prea multe, doar sa ma lasi sa ma pierd in ochii tai in timp ce-mi mangaiai incheieturile iar eu eram a ta.
Mi-aduc aminte cum imi plimbam degetele pe causul palmei tale iar apoi se serpuiau rusinos dar tandru pana pe varful degetelor tale iar tu zambeai. Zambeai pentru ca stiai ca incerc sa te imit, insa tu stiai ca mainile tale vor stapani mereu mainile mele.
Lacrimi sarate
S-a zbatut ca marea spumoasa pentru a reusi sa readuca nebunia mea si calmul sau intr-o contopire linistita, ca cea dintre valuri si nisipul de pe plaja. A renuntat la parti din el, la pietricelele lucioase ce ii dadeau farmecul sau aparte, pentru a imbratisa bestia furioasa ce iesea din mine in momentele cele mai intunecate. Si a facut asta ani dupa ani, veri dupa veri insa marea s-a umplut cu sare iar nisipul s-a uscat sub sarea cea grea.
S-a scuturat vioi si vesel, si-a aparut usor in zare, un fulgulet pufos si alb ca spuma de pe lapte. Si-a admirat in lunga-i plimbare copii si case bucuroase si se ruga fara-ncetare sa cada pe zapada mare.
Go hunt the moon and the stars will be your guide.
Go hunt the sun and the clouds will be your path.
Go hunt the wind and the birds will become your trustees.
Go hunt true love and you will have to step on many hearts.
The sunset in your eyes
Well, it isn't firstly about the colours then anything else that surrounds you, but actually, it all evolves around timing.
A few moments can show the difference between the amazing oranges and the calmer pinks. You don't want to miss the strong golden yellows with influences of pinks and reds, warming the skin of every frozen broken-hearted person. You don't want to throw away the minutes which take you through breath-taking explosions of reds and oranges, spread around the sky. Also, keep in mind that a few moments missed and you will lose the little tinges of purple which appear right towards the end of the colourful show.
Remember, timing is everything. Find your place, the spot that makes you feel welcomed and relaxed, but do it before the start of the sunset itself. Then, just don't let your eyes move around and off the sky too much, so that you don't miss any of these beautiful and fiery spectacles.
And then, if you have someone with you, even better, because at least, when you declare your love to them, being as warming and spectacular as the sunset, they will be able to believe you and share that feeling with you.
A few moments can show the difference between the amazing oranges and the calmer pinks. You don't want to miss the strong golden yellows with influences of pinks and reds, warming the skin of every frozen broken-hearted person. You don't want to throw away the minutes which take you through breath-taking explosions of reds and oranges, spread around the sky. Also, keep in mind that a few moments missed and you will lose the little tinges of purple which appear right towards the end of the colourful show.
Remember, timing is everything. Find your place, the spot that makes you feel welcomed and relaxed, but do it before the start of the sunset itself. Then, just don't let your eyes move around and off the sky too much, so that you don't miss any of these beautiful and fiery spectacles.
And then, if you have someone with you, even better, because at least, when you declare your love to them, being as warming and spectacular as the sunset, they will be able to believe you and share that feeling with you.
It is only when the flowers are dead that you start missing their scent. It is only when your senses freeze that you realise that everything inside of you misses the sun.
Am sa astept, insa tine minte ca iarna nu asteapta prea mult, ci ingheata lacurile fara a se gandi de doua ori.
Broken strings
The sounds of the screams that were exploding in my heart calmed the beating and the pumping of blood.
Este ceva in
legatura cu picaturile de ploaie, ce-mi place exceptional de mult. Stiu ca nu
le pot vedea atunci cand se despart de nori, insa mereu, cand privesc cum
ploua, imi imaginez tot fenomenul, cu incetinitorul.
Cel mai mult imi place sa
imi imaginez calatoria picaturilor de ploaie, in general cate una pe rand.
Mereu fundalul porneste de la alb, pe partea de sus a imaginii ce mi-o formez
in minte, spre un gri mai deschis – aceste culori fiind de fapt norii tristi si
grei de unde provine picatura.
Apoi, apare stropul de ploaie, in forma cea mai
perfecta posibil. Ii vad toate umbrele si toate razele fine de lumina ce o
intrepatrund. Ii vad luciul undeva pe partea dreapta, sus. Si desi ea este in
cadere, o vad atat de clara, doar restul picaturilor dau acea senzatie de
cadere. Ii urmaresc traseul pana ce fundalul se transforma intr-un gri inchis,
solid, si picatura se loveste de o balticica.
Insa nu aici se termina
scurt-metrajul din mintea mea, ci incetineste si mai tare, aratand cat mai
multe detalii, descriind cat mai bine contopirea picaturii cu balticica, in cadre
simple si apropiate. Vad modelarea apei dupa forma bazei stropului cel rece,
apoi mica explozie ce urmeaza atingerea si perlele ce sar nazdravane in toate
partile, pe balticica, formand inele pe suprafata ei. Si vad 3 stagii ale
picaturii de ploaie, pana cand cea mai mica margea de apa dispare si ea si apoi
totul revine la viteza normala.
You told me that love will give me wings but all it did was to take them for itself and fly far away from me.
Love sonnet
I thought that you will feel the love which saw
That you can keep and hold it in your heart;
I hoped that I was strong enough to thaw
The hate and awe that crushed you from the start.
The hate you kept within your soul conquered.
You let me live in pain without a cure
Although the songs I played to you were heard.
And plenty smiles and cries will come to me
Because, to suffer, from the start I knew,
But maybe one day you will start to see.
And now I know that I have done so wrong
When I believed that you will be as strong.
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