Last Caress
Dezbracata de tristete te priveam cu sfiala, caci timiditatea in ochi imi ardea si nu-mi dadea voie sa-i intalnesc pe ai tai. Iti doream, pentru a nu stiu cata oara, bratele fierbinti in jurul trupului meu, numarandu-mi spatiile goale dintre porii pielii mele, umplandu-le in acelasi timp cu parfumul pielii tale.
Buzele mele strigau saruturile tale pasionale iar ochii isi cautau nebunia aflata in ai tai. Trupul imi tremura de nerabdare iar inima batea fara incetare.
Trupul tau imi era drumul ce-l puteam parcurge doar cu tine, catre un loc in care ma simteam in siguranta. Imi daruiai protectie doar cu caldura ta, in timp ce privirea ta ma scapa de hainele pielii mele. Stransoarea bratelor tale imi sufoca porii cu parfumul tau de somnoros indragostit, in timp ce inima mea se contopea cu a ta. Deveneam Unul.
Iti adoram picaturile de transpiratie, caci gadilau chiar si locurile mai greu de gadilat, precum obrajii mei. Ii aprindeai, de sub ochi pana la conturul buzei superioare, cu fiecare atingere ce mi-o ofereau degetele tale fine.
Stiai sa-mi vorbesti doar clipind, si sa-mi canti doar cu zambetele cele mai dulci pana cand flacara iubirii noastre ne dadea voie sa respiram.
Si-ai inflorit frumos, grabit
Iar flori ti-au aparut in graba
Si fructele-au descoperit
Ca-ti sunt, de pret, podoaba.
Acra si dulce-ti este buza
Cand zambetul si el apare
Si te sarut cand buburuza
Zboara de pe frunza-ti mare.
Si-n frunze tii pocalul plin;
Miresme dulci si-atragatoare
Iubirii tale sa ma-nchin
Caci crengile-s ispititoare.
Acru si dulce-ti este sarutul
Urma buzelor; divin
Si numar clipe doar cu vantul
Pe-argintu-mbalsamat cu vin.
La Luna con mejillas de sangre
'White swan in the river,
the eye of cathedrals,
false dawn in the leaves,
am I. They cannot hide!
Who can escape? Who sobs
in the valleys tangle?
The moon leaves a knife
behind in the air,
a lead-coloured trap
that seeks bloods cry.
Let me in! I come frozen
through walls and windows!
Open roofs and breasts
where I can be warmed!
Im chilled! My ashes
of somnolent metals
seek the crown of the fire
among streets and mountains.
But I bring the snow
to their shoulders of jasper,
and I flood, cold and harsh,
the depths of the lakes.
But this night my cheeks
will be stained with red blood,
and the reeds clustered
in wide swathes of air.
I have no shadow,
nowhere they can hide!
Let me enter a breast
where I can be warmed!
A heart of my own!
Burning! Spilling itself
on the hills of my breast;
Let me come in! Oh, let me! (to the branches)
No shadow. My rays
must shine everywhere,
and in dark of the trees
spread a rumour of dawn,
so my cheeks this night
will be stained with red blood,
and the reeds clustered
in wide swathes of air.
Whos that hiding! Speak out!
No! Theres no escape!
Ill make the horse gleam
with a fever of diamond.'
[F.G.L.-Blood Wedding]
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